Belajar AI Spesial Ramadan bersama Teh Fuji Lestari Digitative

Selasa, Maret 04, 2025 | |

Tugas 1.

Tutorial :

Prompt yang disediakan oleh Teh Fuji :

Realistic 3D caricature of an Indonesian woman wearing a cream hijab, wearing a gamis,shoes,standing, smiling, namaste hand,plain background with picture lantern and crescent moon nd  with a big calligraphy text ""Happy Ramadhan Kareem".high angle shot,fisheye lens shot,UHD,16K, masterpiece

3D Caricature of a handsome Indonesian man with a big head, smiling facing directly at the camera with a warm smile on his face.Hands in the Namaste position in a batik frame with a cream blue background, light and the typical Ramadhan Mountain Desert, featuring the text "Marhaban Ya Ramadhan" and decorated with a crescent moon and white stars, dates and mosques while Ramadan elements such as fireworks, and Sumatran batik motifs surround it.

Realistic 3D caricature indinesian Muslim family, 30 year old father, 30 year old mother, 8 year old son, all wearing Islamic clothing, namaste hand position. themed circle, there is a picture of a mosque, lanterns and moon stars, ketupat, on the bottom ribbon there is the writing "MARHABAN YA RAMADHAN" below it is written in black light with splashes of stains. Realistic 3D. Details. HD. Clear.

Family Portrait, family consists of 3 people. father aged 30 years, mother aged 28 years, son aged 7 years. father and son wore matching Koko and the same color cream and mother wore cream clothes and a blue hijab. everyone is standing with a plain background and there is the writing "MARHABAN YA RAMADHAN" and there are diamond decorations on the edge of the photo. ultra HD, 3D Caricature

4D realistic caricature of an Indonesian husband and wife couple, 30 years old, the man wearing a white songkok, white Muslim clothes and sarong with flip-flops and the woman wearing a hijab in white Muslim clothes, namaste hand, and 3D caricature style, there is a note "WELCOME RAMADHAN" blue background, Very sharp, ultra realistic image, 32K Ultra HD

Realistic 3D caricature of an Indonesian man,wearing a white peci/Indonesian muslim hat,Muslim koko shirt, and  woman wearing a hijab, wearing a gamis,shoes,standing holding the Quran,plain background with picture lantern and crescent moon and with a big caligraphy text "RAMDHAN KAREEM".high angle shot,fisheye lens shot,UHD,16K, masterpiece

ini prompt sendiri 🙂 :


Prompt :

foto seorang wanita indonesia berambut pendek umur 60 tahun memakai selendang berlatar belakang islami bertuliskan "Happy Ramadan Kareem".  dekorasi minimalis lentera, bintang, bulan bintang, desain sangat kompleks

(Tugas bukan pakai Bing)

Tugas bikin gambar AI pakai Piclumen AI :

1. Buka browser Chrome / ketikkan PicLumen 

2. Klik Geberate For Free

3. Klik titik tiga diatas kanan / beri centang tulisan Desktop Dite atau Situs Desktop

4. Pilih Email / Continue

5. Klik Create (yang ada dikiri)

6. Pastekan Prompt nya

7. Ubah ukuran jadi 9:16 sebaiknya pilih hasilkan 1 gambar saja, lebih bagus hasilbya jangan 2 gambar

8. Klik tanda centang ungu / tunggu proses generate nya 

9. Tekan gambarnya agak lama / klik Download

10. Swapt dengan RemakeMe AI (download di play store google)

11. Selesai

Prompt :

Karikatur 3D realistis seorang wanita cantik Indonesia umur 60 tahun rambut sebahu mengenakan selendang, mengenakan baju panjang, sepatu, berdiri, tersenyum, tangan namaste, latar belakang polos dengan gambar lentera dan bulan sabit dan teks kaligrafi besar "Selamat Ramadhan Kareem". bidikan sudut tinggi, bidikan lensa fisheye, UHD, 16K, mahakarya

Lalu diterjemahkan ke bhs Inggris :

Realistic 3D caricature of a beautiful Indonesian woman aged 60 years old with shoulder length hair wearing a shawl, wearing a long dress, shoes, standing, smiling, namaste hands, plain background with lantern and crescent moon image and big calligraphy text "Happy Ramadhan Kareem". high angle shot, fisheye lens shot, UHD, 16K, masterpiece

Hasilnya : Setor Tugas 1 

Lalu di swapt pakai RemakeMe AI yg di download di Goole Play Store , maka Tugas 1 hasilnya jadi seperti ini :

Review dari Teh Fuji :

photo of a 60 year old Indonesian woman with short hair wearing a shawl with an Islamic background that says "Happy Ramadan Kareem". minimalist decoration of lanterns, stars, crescent moon, very complex design

photo of a 60 year old Indonesian woman with short hair wearing a shawl with her hands in a namaste position, with an Islamic background that says "Happy Ramadan Kareem". minimalist decorations in the form of lanterns, stars, crescent moons, very intricate designs

photo of a 60 year old Indonesian woman with short hair wearing a shawl with her hands in a namaste position, with an Islamic background and big calligraphy text  "Happy Ramadan Kareem". minimalist decorations in the form of lanterns, stars, crescent moons, very intricate designs

Realistic 3D caricature of an Indonesian woman wearing a cream hijab, wearing a gamis,shoes,standing, smiling, namaste hand,plain background with picture lantern and crescent moon nd  with a big calligraphy text ""Happy Ramadhan Kareem".high angle shot,fisheye lens shot,UHD,16K, masterpiece


Membuat gambar yang dibuat pada Tugas 1 menjadi Video berbicara

Tutorial :

Caranya :

1. Buka browset Chrome / ketikkan text 'hedra'

2. Klik Star for Free

3. Beri centang Desktop Site

4. login pakai email google

5. Continue

6. Klik Accept all

7. Create account

8. Sampai sini pendaftaran akun di Hedra selesai

9. Sekarang kita mau buat Tugas 2 / klik Create (yang ada di kiri samping) / upload gambar Tugas 1 / diatqsnya tuliskan text, saya pakai suara saya sendiri jadi pilih Voice 'Marhaban ya Ramadan, Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa. Semoga penuh berkah dan semua dilancarkan. Mohon maaf lahir batin.

(Maximum 300 huruf kalau pakai text, pilih suqrq wanita misalnya suara Emily)

10. Klik Generate Video

11. Tunggu proses rendering nya cukup lama

12. Note : sebaiknya buat video yang full muka saja atau setengah badan

13. Klik download

Hasilnya : Setor Tugas 2 

Review dqri Teh Fuji :

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